Orthopaedic and Sports
If you were injured at work, while practicing a sport or performing your recreational activity, doing your household chores or you were involved in an accident, you will most likely benefit from being assessed by a physiotherapist. Our intervention will assist you to move better, be active again and return to your work or sports.
Our extensive experience and ongoing education, which includes McKenzie approach and Osteopathic principles gives our treatments ‘an edge’ so that it is not a rare occasion that our patients even with more severe injuries and in cases of long standing problems, treated previously by other practitioners, respond very favourable in a short period of time, especially if they thoroughly follow our instructions.
In our practice, we have the most success treating patients suffering from back and neck pain, as well as patients suffering from shoulder, hip and knee pain.
Once we assess your injury or condition, we develop a treatment plan, based on your specific goals. We will put a lot of effort to educate and motivate you to become an active participant. Our goal is to ensure the safest and the most efficient way to return to your preinjury activity level with a aspiration to regain and hopefully exceed your previous performance and quality of life, while working on preventing reoccurrence.
Treatment techniques used:
- Myofascial release
- Cranio-sacral therapy
- Muscle energy
- Strain Counterstrain
- Mulligan’s Mobilization with Movement
- Mc Kenzie’s Manual Therapy
- Osteopathic principles
- Joint and Spinal Mobilization
- Neural Tissue Mobilization
- Scar Tissue Mobilization
- Muscle Imbalance Correction
- Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Flexibility / Stretching exercises
- Core Stability exercises
- Motor control exercises
- Proprioception exercises
- Balance exercises
- Strengthening exercises
- Endurance exercises
- Ultrasound
- Interferential current – IFC
- Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation – TENS
- Muscular Stimulation