• Why Osteopathy?

    · HIGHLY EFFECTIVE - treats the root cause
    · GENTLE & SAFE - feels as relaxing as massage
    · NO SIDE EFFECTS - no meds or injections
    · IMPROVES HEALTH - boosts immune system
    · SUITABLE FOR ALL - babies, adults & elderly
    · COVERED by your extended health benefits

    You should not wait to become sick to benefit from osteopathy. Just like flossing your clean teeth prevents dental issues, osteopathy keeps your body in its optimal state.

  • Are treatments covered by OHIP?

    No. We don’t provide physiotherapy covered by OHIP.
    There are a limited number of physiotherapy clinics who provide government funded services.
    To be covered for physiotherapy services at a publicly-funded physiotherapy clinic, you require a referral and:

    • Be 19 years old or younger or
    • Be 65 years old or older or
    • Be receiving benefits under the Ontario Disability Support Program or Family Works or
    • Have been overnight in hospital for a condition that now requires physiotherapy treatment

    List of publicly-funded physiotherapy clinics in Ontario: PDF versionWord version

  • Do I need a referal by my family physician or other health care practitioner?

    No, you do not need referral to be assessed and treated by a physiotherapist. Some insurance companies may need you to have Doctor's referral in order to reimburse you. Please, check with your insurance company prior to booking an appointment.

  • How can I book an appointment with Mira?

    If you want to book an appointment with us, you have two options. You could call us directly 905.916.1660 and book. Alternatively, you could send us a Request an Appointment message (see the box on the right). Please make sure to write in your preferred date and time.

  • What happens once I book an appointment?

    We will send you an Intake form to be completed prior to your first visit. You may choose to come 10-15 minutes prior to your first appointment and complete the Intake form in the clinic.

  • Is there a cancellation policy?

    We have a minimum 24-hour cancellation policy for all missed appointments*. Should you fail to provide us with sufficient notice, we will have to reinforce it and a cancellation fee will be applied.

    *We highly respect your time and commitment. Your missed appointment without sufficient notice prevent others to book at that time. Thank you for understanding and support.

  • What would my first visit involve?

    During the first visit, we will perform an assessment. We may prescribe one or couple of simple exercises and provide you with some guidance on what you could do to assist your body to deal with your condition in order to speed up your recovery.
    Multitasking is the word of today and most of us have a lot of stuff to juggle every single day. We do respect your busy lifestyle. Hence, our advices are geared towards taking the least amount of your time, while making significant contribution to your body's effort to get better.

    Educating you to become an active participant in your recovery is a paramount for best results within the shortest period of the time.  We believe and our experience is confirming our theory, that more you know about your condition and how to address it, the positive results will start appearing sooner and your body will be thankful.

    It is not a rare occasion that favourable outcome, relief occurs even during or after the first visit.

  • What does assessment involve?

    We will first gather information on your medical history, your daily postures and stresses which may be contributing factors to your present status, as well as information about the nature and behaviour of your pain.

    Then, we will perform a thorough assessment of your injured part and your body. Based on your goals, an individualized treatment plan will be developed ensuring the most efficient and safest return to your preinjury activity level. The ultimate goal is to regain and hopefully exceed your previous performance and quality of life.

    During the assessment, we will be looking for possible restrictions, weakness, increased tone, fluid retention, hypermobility or other changes of your tissues which potentially may have led to the development of your condition.

  • What should I wear?

    It is a good idea to wear or bring in comfortable, stretchy or loose clothing. Shorts and undershirt / tank top or a sports bra for women would be a good choice.

  • How many treatment sessions are necessary to get better?

    If the problem is of the mechanical origin, a great reduction of pain may occur even during the first visit. Other times, we need few visits to determine if the proposed treatment is going to have an effect on your condition. In most cases, if no improvement is seen within 2 or 3 visits, other options may be explored, including referral to another practitioner.

    In general, it is very difficult to estimate the exact number of treatment sessions needed to obtain expected results, as there is a lot of factors which will influence the speed of your recovery, including the nature of the injury, the environmental factors, the vitality of your body, the compliance with the treatment program, etc. Most often, the longer the problem persisted, the longer it will take to get resolved.

  • What is the difference between Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists and other practitioners?

    Physiotherapy is a drug-free alternative to decreasing your pain and improving your function and mobility which often requires your active involvement. 

    Some people opt to try exercises for their condition found on the Internet. Others do their exercises as per an exercise sheet handout provided by their health provider for specific part of the body. That approach frequently fails. Why?  Because, those are generic exercises and geared towards treating only the symptoms.

    Physiotherapists design exercise program based specifically on the assessment findings of YOUR body, the state and stage of healing of YOUR injury and condition.

    'Hands on', manual therapy techniques are also an integral part of the physiotherapy treatment. We do assess the injured body part as a part of the whole, as the dysfunction of one part of the body frequently leads to malfunction in another part. Therefore, the treatment of the whole body will create longer lasting results and prevent re-occurrence.

    Physiotherapy also uses modalities, such as electrical current, ultrasound, heat and ice in order to assist your body to speed up reduction of pain and the healing process.
    Other practitioners may have a different approach in assessment and treatment.

  • How can physiotherapy help me prevent an injury?

    We will show you how by making small changes in your everyday life and activities you could greatly enhance your recovery and prevent reoccurrence. By getting you to take an active role in getting better, we do teach you how to take responsibility for your own health.

    Prevention is done by:

    • Teaching you to become aware of significance your posture and how it contributes to the proper or improper functioning of you body.
    • Teaching you how to correct your  posture, the easy way.
    • Teaching you proper body mechanics in order to use your body efficiently to avoid injury.
    • Teaching you how by modifying your habits or making small adjustments in your workplace or gym you could improve your wellbeing.
  • Why Physiotherapy?

    Physiotherapy is a drug-free alternative to decreasing your pain and improving your function and mobility when you suffer from pain or malfunctioning of your muscles, joints or any other part of your musculoskeletal system. In many instances drugs are necessary, but we strive to enable your body to take care of your problem so that side effects of drugs or any other procedure can be minimized and/or eliminated.

    Physiotherapy also can optimize and improve your current performance, and help you to prevent re-injury.