Physiotherapy is a drug-free alternative to decreasing your pain and improving your function and mobility which often requires your active involvement.
Some people opt to try exercises for their condition found on the Internet. Others do their exercises as per an exercise sheet handout provided by their health provider for specific part of the body. That approach frequently fails. Why? Because, those are generic exercises and geared towards treating only the symptoms.
Physiotherapists design exercise program based specifically on the assessment findings of YOUR body, the state and stage of healing of YOUR injury and condition.
'Hands on', manual therapy techniques are also an integral part of the physiotherapy treatment. We do assess the injured body part as a part of the whole, as the dysfunction of one part of the body frequently leads to malfunction in another part. Therefore, the treatment of the whole body will create longer lasting results and prevent re-occurrence.
Physiotherapy also uses modalities, such as electrical current, ultrasound, heat and ice in order to assist your body to speed up reduction of pain and the healing process.
Other practitioners may have a different approach in assessment and treatment.